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*Little Biddy Bits
I enjoy making custom knives. However, the Lord called me to save lives, not to make knives. So on each knife, I file three special notches into the top of the blade. They stand for the three crosses where Christ was crucified between two thieves. The first notch stands for the thief who rejected Christ and therefore died in his sin. The last notch represents the other thief who accepted Christ as his Savior and therefore died to his sin. The middle notch stands for Christ, who died for all sin. On which side of the cross are you?
Each time you use the knife I pray you will think of the middle cross and the One who died for you.
Danny R. Biddy, pastor of the Church on Old River since 1977. www.oldriverbaptist.com
*inspirational articles published weekly in area newspapers
by Rev. Danny R. Biddy
Blade: AUS-8 Vanadium Stainless Steel
Sub-zero Freeze-Tempered (300 degrees below zero)
Rockwell Hardness: 59 degrees
Handle: Stabilized Camel bone
Thumb stud: Inlaid Alligator Jawbone
Accent: Case-Hardened/Flame-Colored Screws & Spine
Custom, handmade cedar case
File work: "Jesus said, "I am the vine, and you are the branches." John 15:5