The Choices are yours
1. What is adoption?
a. Adoption is the loving act of biological parents (birth parents) who choose a family to nurture and care for their child.
b. Adoption is a bond created through the love that birth parents and adoptive parents share for their child.
c. Adoption is not selfish or irresponsible. Rather, it involves birth parents and adoptive
parents working together to make a plan that is in the best interest of their child.
d. Adoption is not temporary foster care. Instead, adoption provides your child with parents who are better able to emotionally and financially support a child.
2. What can adoption offer my child?
a. The love and security of adoptive parents who are emotionally and financially ready to parent.
b. A mother and a father.
c. The kind of home and family life that you want for your child.
d. The opportunity to fulfill the dreams you have for your child – dreams that take time, money and commitment.
3. What can adoption offer me?
a. The choice of an adoptive family.
b. A flexible plan that you control.
c. Meeting(s) with the adoptive family.
d. An exchange of information through the years.
e. Assistance with pregnancy-related necessities.
f. Access to an experienced legal department.
g. Housing assistance.
h. A choice of excellent medical providers.
i. Education and career planning.
j. Emotional support throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
4. Am I strong enough to place my baby for adoption?
It takes great strength and courage to place your baby for adoption, and that’s something that you can determine with the help of a counselor. But you need to know that adoption is not about giving away your baby. Adoption is making a plan for your baby’s life. Adoption is a gift of love.
5. When I think of the baby I placed for adoption, how might I feel?
You'll feel lots of things — love for your child, sadness of saying good-bye, peace that comes with knowing you made the right decision for you and your child. Though the grief felt when saying good-bye to your child is very real, strength and comfort come through the knowledge that you have given your child a life of wonderful opportunities.
6. Will the adoptive parents take good care of my baby?
Yes, and you'll know that through pictures and letters from the adoptive parents. Meeting the adoptive parents, either before or after placement, will also give you greater peace of mind.
7. How do I know that I won't regret the decision to place my baby for adoption?
Placing your baby for adoption is a tough decision, probably the toughest decision you’ll ever have to make. And there are no guarantees that in this decision, or any major life decision, there will be no regrets. But what’s most important is that you not lose sight of what’s best for you and your baby, now and in the future.